Manage Listings and Subscription Options

Review Published Listings

  1. From HERE platform, click Marketplace > Your Listings.
  2. Select a listing.
  3. Select the Listing tab to view the listing details.
  4. Select the Comments & activity tab to review the listing history and/or add a comment to the listing.
Current listings
Figure 1. Current listings

Edit Listing

  1. From HERE platform, click Marketplace > Your Listings.
  2. Select a listing.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. Update the information and proceed to the next page.
  5. Click Next and Publish.

Edit Subscription Option

  1. From HERE platform, click Marketplace > Your Listings.
  2. Select a listing.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. In the Edit a listing window, click Subscription options.
  5. Click More options button next to the desired subscription option and select Edit.
  6. Perform the needed changes, then click Next and Publish.


If there are active subscriptions associated with the subscription option, they will be affected by the changes.

Duplicate and Edit Subscription Option

You can duplicate and edit an existing commercial subscription with usage-based or flat-rate pricing to create multiple commercial subscriptions with different pricing and terms.

  1. From HERE platform, click Marketplace > Your Listings.
  2. Select a listing.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. In the Edit a listing window, click Subscription options.
  5. Click More options button next to the desired subscription option and select Duplicate and Edit.
  6. Perform the needed changes, then click Next and Publish.


You cannot duplicate an evaluation or customized subscription, as only a single such subscription option can be available in a listing at once. Therefore, you can only edit those.

Disable Subscription Option

To limit the offer of subscription options to Consumers, you can disable a specific subscription option from a listing. New Consumers cannot view disabled subscription options. Current Consumers that purchased access to such subscription options are still able to see and use them.

  1. From HERE platform, click Marketplace > Your Listings.
  2. Select a listing.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. In the Edit a listing window click Subscription options.
  5. Click the Show in the listing? slider for a desired subscription option to deactivate it.
  6. Click Next and Publish.


To republish a listing, you need to have at least one subscription option or "contact us" option in the listing.

Remove Subscription Option

  1. From HERE platform, click Marketplace > Your Listings.
  2. Select a listing.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. In the Edit a listing window click Subscription options.
  5. Click More options button next to the desired subscription option and select Remove from listing. Note that removal of a subscription option can't be undone.
  6. Confirm your action and click Remove subscription in a pop-up screen.
  7. Click Next and Publish.


You cannot remove active subscription options that are purchased by consumers from a listing.

Archive Listing

  1. From HERE platform, click Marketplace > Your Listings.
  2. Select a listing.
  3. Click More > Archive.
  4. Confirm your action and click Archive listing in a pop-up screen.


A listing can be archived with the possibility to edit in the archive mode. The archive option allows you to remove the listing from the consumer view, but you can still manage your existing subscriptions. You can reactivate listings once archived, and consumers can't see them. Any current subscriptions to the listing won't be affected.

Delete Listing

  1. From HERE platform, click Marketplace > Your Listings.
  2. Select a listing.
  3. Click More > Delete.


You cannot delete a listing with an active subscription. To delete a listing, deactivate any subscriptions that are linked to it first.

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